Partnership with US Consulate – 2019

48HFP worked closely with the US Consulate’s cultural department to identify and shortlist 4 filmmakers. They were part of a film exchange programme to the US on all expenses paid trip.

Vinamra Pancharia – Filmmaker

Who knew we would be facing such times?
But January 2020 would always remain a cherished experience. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude and joy for the three-week journey through the USA. Personally, it was a life changing experience for me. From getting an insight into the governance structure at Washington, creating a forever bond with Kolker family in Miami, experiencing the sheer joy of cinema at Sundance in Utah, an overwhelming meet with the kids working for social change at the Salt Lake City, to enjoying the Hollywood vibes at LA. The memories of this trip helped me pull through the tough times later that year.

Abhijit Das- Filmmaker

We are all enamoured by the glitz of Hollywood. As filmmakers, The Warner Bros Studios, the Writer’s Guild, the Sundance Film Festival, meeting filmmakers in Miami… This was all too overwhelming for me as a first timer in USA. The US State Department ensured we saw all the good things that enthralled us as independent filmmakers. But something stuck out beyond all the planned tour. The old man speaking up against the Oval Office outside the White House. The parents running the Censor Board without Government interference. The 15-year-old Mexican kids running a campaign in a mainstream school. Ethnic teenagers operating their own podcast in an open forum in Chicago. That’s what art is. Thats what Films as a Medium of Social Change should be. Truly free. I saw a country where arts aren’t mixed with politics. Where activism is a real word. And I came back believing that films can actually bring about change.

Teena Kaur- Filmmaker

The fellowship on films for social change was true to its promise, as it was extremely engaging. We interacted, networked with the indie filmmaking community of USA. It included film festival organizers, distributors, filmmakers, film festival organizers including Sundance 2020 where we were guests.

That was the highlight of the trip. Having said that a trip to the Universal studio and ‘Hollywood’ was a thrilling experience. People were warm and we had so much to talk about.